Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Went for a softball practice after work last night.
Five Wolves including three of our pitchers were there.  We got some practice in ahead of Sunday's tournament.  Didn't have a long practice, on account of it getting dark.  Really, really quickly.  But it was good fun. The pitchers pitched. Peter fielded brilliantly.  I made one good hit that I'd love to reproduce on Sunday, and plenty of OK contacts with the ball.  We ended with catches in the outfield, and stopped after all four fielders in turn held onto their catches - and before bad light led to someone (and let's be honest, it would have been me) being hit in the head.
My favourite moment was actually in the throwing and catching practice at the start.  A toddler, out for a walk with his dad, saw us and shouted in excitement.  His father stood and let him watch for a few minutes.  And those few minutes, with the little kid watching as Ben and I threw high balls for each other to dive in or leap up for, taking catches and making high throws, were a lot of fun.

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