Thursday, April 29, 2010

Were Wolves @ Loan Wolves 28th April 2010

Low Point: My batting - or rather my judging of the pitches. Swung at completely the wrong pitches and just didn't get any power behind it.

High Point: My last at bat! Finally a good hit and easily getting on fact, if I'd not been going so fast I might not have overshot first so much and been able to try for second... (next time!)


Donnacha DeLong said...

High point - my first hit and getting to third, that's never happened before.

Low point - my second hit, sooo not like the first. (It doesn't count properly, but my real low point was not being able to swing at the crap the pitcher was giving me third time at bat, I really didn't want to take a walk!)

Andy said...

Low point - struck out like a muppet ending our inning.
High point - getting my first out of the season at 2nd.

livvy said...

High point: my first hit was one of my best

Low Point: It's been giving me nightmares - stricking out when we were two down, with people on bases. I keep thinking what could have been. Need lots more practice ;)

Libs said...

Low Point: Not running on Paul's hit quick enough
High point: Getting Gabby and Don home on my hit

Lesson Learnt: Never watch the ball when your a batter - it doesn't matter where it goes you have to run!

Just wanted to add that it was excellent seeing the way that you fielders rallied in the last couple of innings - thats the wolves we know and love

Gabriele said...

My low point was lunging too deep for that leftie batter's line drive, incurring a severe reminder from my back and still missing the damn ball! Grrr. I don't mind sacrifice but it has to be worth it.
A minor low point (is there such a thing?) was catching that bad bouncer from Blasey in my glove and with my knee, then hearing the foot hit the base and the runner given safe. Hmpf!
High point - not getting out at first and actually making it home a couple of times thanks to sterling batting by the Wolfies.

Unknown said...

Low point: Taking my eyes off the ball while batting and when I did manage a hit it was not far enough...

High point: a couple of good stops in outfield.

Bottom line - I neeeeed to practice more!!