Monday, October 09, 2006

What a Team!


Julian said...

Sorry I made such a hash of it on Sunday

Paul said...

Hey Julian without your brilliant pitching all summer the Loan Wolves would have had a very miserable season.

All my photos of you show you surrounded by a hazy mist, which I'm assuming was some dark voodoo magic by the Devil Strays that kept you out of the zone.

Hope you still enjoyed the tournament. You certainly had some great moments, like your catch at third base and an amazing "pitching/catching/run out at first" purple patch in the 3rd game :-)

Vic said...

That 3rd base catch was great - pure instinct!
I think everyone had their 'Wobbles' on Sunday, but they, and you, pulled it back later on. I'm a proud Wolf indeed - roll on next season!

Paul said...

p.s Obviously if we're paying anyone £60,000 a week I'd expect flawless performances.... just like those English footballers do... oh hang on...!!