Wednesday, October 04, 2006

End of Season Awards - wrap up

The “Chatterbox” Award for most chatting while on base ....Jane “JC” Clark

The “Bravery” Award for the most daring quick change behind a bush in a park ....Jane Ackroyd

The “Botham” Award for the wolf who hasn't quite realised we're not playing Cricket...Peter “PW” Williams

The “Weebles Wobble but don’t fall” Award for the wolf with the most grass stains...Olivia "Foxy" Fox

The “rackinfrackinvarmint” Award for most impressive swearing on the pitch...Richard Hornshaw

The “Four Cheers” Award for numeracy ...Ben “SuperBen” Woods

The “gloves are for wimps”” Award for most attempts at fielding barehanded...Julian “The Machine” Allen

The “Fanclub” Award for 'The President: Loan Wolves Supporters’ Club (Dublin chapter)...Tony McMahon

The “appreciation” Award for being the most dedicated Loan Wolves supporter and provider of chocolate..John Woods

The “Starlight Express” Award for wearing the most visible shinpads...Kate “Rabbit” Scott

The “I make this look good” Award for best use of a crutch as a fashion accessory Alison “Fordo” Ford

The “Psychedelic Chameleon” Award for most frequently changing hair colour...Alex Allen

The “Social” Award for most dedication shown to Loan Wolves related social events and stuff...Karen “Social”Wolf “ Shackleford

The “Do as I say and not as I do” Award for most valuable coaching tips...Paul “Gobby” Duncan

The “Full Contact” Award for most impressive collisions with base runners...Vic “The Target” Eves

The “Florence Nightingale” award for thewolf with the best first aid kit....
…who coincidentally also needed the most treatment...Andy “Cooler King” Horton

The "Red Bull" Hyperactivity award for the most leaping and yelping during a game...Manjiv "Tiggs" Dhaliwal


Andy said...

My mate's award is now proudly displayed on his office wall, apparently. A corner of a foreign, er, office, is forever Loan Wolves :-)

syrupalex said...

Still can't get my name right, eh, Tiggs.

Manj said...

oops, why is that happening? Alex Allen..Alex Allen...Alex Allen....maybe its because you've not been around lately? ;-)

Andy said...

BTW, Alex, got your (wrong name) award. Shall I bring it along on Saturday? Or Sunday?