High Point 1: Seeing you guys play as a team, and getting all the fundamentals right. You've come a long way since April and should all be very proud of yourselves.
High Point 2: Being asked on three separate occasions this week how you guys did this year. Many other teams and umpires have noted your team spirit and energy, and are very impressed.
Low Point: Having to wait until next year to see you win your first league game, though I'm hoping you'll get one at the end of season tourney.
Low Point: Can't think of any...I was simply amazing on the pitch as always ;-) Ok...just kidding.
Low Point: those silly underarm throws I made to Michael...I don't understand why I do this during the game. I'm fine during practice, but it all comes apart during the game..one of the 156 things I need to work on before next season (sigh)
Low Point: Missing that deep catch in outfield...which I almost got...but didn't...still at least I can see some signs of improvement.
High Point: No problem with my foot today, so made it to first base for the first time in weeks - always good.
High Point: Being the loudest Wolf on the pitch for once...far louder than Paul or Michael....I rock!
High Point: Seeing the fulfillment of my pre-season goal for the season. Andy's pre-season goal was to last seven innings in a game (which we did) and my goal was to last the season...which we did! Loan Wolves rock as well ;-)
I'll stop now..but I can go on with my ramblings, as you very well know!
Meanwhile...lets see more of these blog entries coming....
I know everyone is getting carried away - but a reminder - it should be one high point, and one low point each. Feel free to add a whole new blog entry if you have lots more to say ;)
You're not the only one... a couple of people have been guilty of using other people's contribution as their high point as well - so I thought a reminder of the rules in true blog-master dictator style was called for.
(Obviously, it's great that you had so many high points, but really i want to avoid people dwelling on more than one low point...if you see what I mean...)
Low Point: Only taking two catches from massive hits to left field in the one innings I played as I was hoping to get three and get the Raiders out. Unfortunately Michael was having an average game at short stop managed to fumble a ball towards Peter on first who made another good catch at his feet and between them somehow managed to get the third out. pah!
High Point: Getting some most tricky and complex rules right while coaching. Like getting Michael and Vic to tag one guy three times, just to make sure ;-) Unfortunately I had to explain why I was shouting which gave the opposition a heads up!! and Darren said the call to send Jane home was correct although judging by her face afterwards I probably won’t do that again :-)
Very similar to Kate...
Low point: Watching a number of ground ball whizzing past my outstretch hand and then failing to catch the one that landed in my glove.
High Point: Getting a run with some sneaky base running and much encouragement from the rest of the team - good cheer.
Low Point: Falling over between 2nd and 3rd base. Also the fact that this was the last league game and we hadnt won any
High Point: Getting someone out at first base by throwing to Peter
High point: fielding a grounder that reached right field...
Low point: ...then fluffing the throw to Michael at Second for the out :-(
High Point 1: Seeing you guys play as a team, and getting all the fundamentals right. You've come a long way since April and should all be very proud of yourselves.
High Point 2: Being asked on three separate occasions this week how you guys did this year. Many other teams and umpires have noted your team spirit and energy, and are very impressed.
Low Point: Having to wait until next year to see you win your first league game, though I'm hoping you'll get one at the end of season tourney.
Low Point: Can't think of any...I was simply amazing on the pitch as always ;-) Ok...just kidding.
Low Point: those silly underarm throws I made to Michael...I don't understand why I do this during the game. I'm fine during practice, but it all comes apart during the game..one of the 156 things I need to work on before next season (sigh)
Low Point: Missing that deep catch in outfield...which I almost got...but didn't...still at least I can see some signs of improvement.
High Point: No problem with my foot today, so made it to first base for the first time in weeks - always good.
High Point: Being the loudest Wolf on the pitch for once...far louder than Paul or Michael....I rock!
High Point: Seeing the fulfillment of my pre-season goal for the season. Andy's pre-season goal was to last seven innings in a game (which we did) and my goal was to last the season...which we did! Loan Wolves rock as well ;-)
I'll stop now..but I can go on with my ramblings, as you very well know!
Meanwhile...lets see more of these blog entries coming....
I know everyone is getting carried away - but a reminder - it should be one high point, and one low point each. Feel free to add a whole new blog entry if you have lots more to say ;)
oops, that was meant for me right? Sorry, I do tend to get carried away...but I do so like to mix things up...
You're not the only one... a couple of people have been guilty of using other people's contribution as their high point as well - so I thought a reminder of the rules in true blog-master dictator style was called for.
(Obviously, it's great that you had so many high points, but really i want to avoid people dwelling on more than one low point...if you see what I mean...)
oooh, I so love a debate! Anyone else want to join in...its too quiet on the Loan Wolves front...where is everyone?
Low Point: Only taking two catches from massive hits to left field in the one innings I played as I was hoping to get three and get the Raiders out. Unfortunately Michael was having an average game at short stop managed to fumble a ball towards Peter on first who made another good catch at his feet and between them somehow managed to get the third out. pah!
High Point: Getting some most tricky and complex rules right while coaching. Like getting Michael and Vic to tag one guy three times, just to make sure ;-) Unfortunately I had to explain why I was shouting which gave the opposition a heads up!! and Darren said the call to send Jane home was correct although judging by her face afterwards I probably won’t do that again :-)
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