Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Wednesday 31st August 2005

Good news today, when we hear that Richard has got us entered into the tournament, and I think we all owe Ben a huge thank you for stomping up the cash to get us entered. Everyone needs to remember to pay him back their £7.50 as soon as possible - after all it is payday today!

We now have the bare minimum people needed to field a team, but anyone reading this who would like to join us, please let us know, as the more the merrier, and it gives us more room for error.

The debate over the team name rages on. Last week the 'Mini boglins' seemed to be riding high, but enthusiasm seems to have waned slightly and it is still very much an open competition. Some form of vote is on its way soon soon as one of us works out how to use the voting buttons on outlook.

That's about it for today.

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