The Vocabulary
One of the interesting things about the game of softball is the strange things the participants say to each other. Here are some of the common ones and what they actually mean:
One more than either you or the umpire have, otherwise she would have called that a strike.
Yes, you eejit, that WAS a strike. You better hope she throws another one.
That was the one you should have hit.
If it doesn't bounce before it reaches you, you had better swing
Hope that the pitcher messes up, cause you won't get on base any other way
You have managed the not inconsiderable achievement of hitting the ball into the 5% of the available space that has a fielder in it.
Good god, the ball is the size of a grapefruit. How can you miss?
Nothing to do with acne, this is a wish that the ball ends up somewhere useful.
God help us if she can.
No reason why this run of good luck with the umpire’s calls can't continue.
Everything else has failed, lets just hope.
What has happened to all our batters. Now let’s see if we can get any of them out.